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Leonidas API Logging

For each test case executed, Leonidas will create a log entry for that particular execution. The format of this entry is shown below for each platform.


"request": {
"usecase": "/discovery/sts_get_caller_identity",
"args": {},
"timestamp": "2020-06-24 00:28:24.737414",
"identity": {
"assume_role": false,
"role_arn": null,
"access_keys": false,
"access_key_id": null,
"secret_access_key": null
"response": {
"UserId": "AROAYLGRIBRQ4IFAQ5OF2:botocore-session-1592951303",
"Account": "573816966241",
"Arn": "arn:aws:sts::573816966241:assumed-role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole/botocore-session-1592951303",
"ResponseMetadata": {
"RequestId": "a9d1bf24-f554-4c26-8c4b-7797a6307f1c",
"HTTPStatusCode": 200,
"HTTPHeaders": {
"x-amzn-requestid": "a9d1bf24-f554-4c26-8c4b-7797a6307f1c",
"content-type": "text/xml",
"content-length": "490",
"date": "Tue, 23 Jun 2020 22:28:24 GMT"
"RetryAttempts": 0

Each log entry contains:

  • request: Defines what test case was triggered and how
    • usecase: Which test case was executed
    • args: Any parameters passed to the request
    • timestamp: The time at which the test case was executed, as returned by Python’s
    • identity: The identity block for this test case, as defined in
  • response: The contents of the result variable, as discussed in

Accessing the Logs

When the API is deployed via the pipeline, the logs are delivered to a CloudWatch Log Group named /aws/lambda/leonidas-dev-app. These can be accessed via the AWS console, or by using the following CLI commands:

  • aws logs describe-log-streams --log-group-name /aws/lambda/leonidas-dev-app
  • aws logs get-log-events --log-group-name /aws/lambda/leonidas-dev-app --log-stream-name [LOG-STREAM-NAME]

Where [LOG-STREAM-NAME] is taken from the list of log streams returned by aws logs describe-log-streams. Note that special characters need to be escaped, else an error will be raised stating that the stream cannot be found.


"request": {
"usecase": "/persistence/create_service_account",
"args": {
"serviceaccount": "attackersa"
"timestamp": "2023-04-02 21:18:28.051927+00:00"
"response": {
"shell": "kubectl create serviceaccount attackersa",
"stdout": "serviceaccount/attackersa created\n",
"stderr": "",
"exit_code": 0

Each log entry contains:

  • request: Defines what test case was triggered and how
    • usecase: Which test case was executed
    • args: Any parameters passed to the request
    • timestamp: The time at which the test case was executed, as returned by Python’s
  • response: The command executed and its result
    • shell: The final command send to, with escaped argument values replaced, tokens and certificate/key files added
    • stdout / stderr / exit_code: The subprocess’s streams and return code

Accessing the Logs

When deployed within a cluster, the Leonidas pod follows the streaming logging sidecar approach by specifying two containers and an emptyPath volume. The primary container runs the Python API and logs events to stdout, while Flask console output is being saved to /var/log/leonidas-flask.log, where a second “sidecar” container tails them from, into its own stdout.

Among other benefits, this architecture allows kubelet handle the log rotation and Leonidas operators to retrieve execution logs in pure JSON, by simply running:

Terminal window
$ kubectl logs -l app=leonidas -f
{"request": {"usecase": "/persistence/create_service_account", "args": {"serviceaccount": "attackersa"}, "timestamp": "2023-04-02 21:18:28.051927+00:00"}, "response": {"shell": "kubectl create serviceaccount attackersa", "stdout": "serviceaccount/attackersa created\n", "stderr": "", "exit_code": 0}}

While at the same time, Flask runtime output can be fetched from the other container, e.g. for debugging purposes:

Terminal window
$ kubectl logs -l app=leonidas -c log-sidecar -f
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