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Enumerate Cloudtrails For A Given Region (aws)

PlatformAuthorLast Update
awsNick Jones2024-12-02

An adversary may attempt to enumerate the configured trails, to identify what actions will be logged and where they will be logged to. In AWS, this may start with a single call to enumerate the trails applicable to the default region.


Required Permissions

  • cloudtrail:DescribeTrails

Required Parameters


Attacker Action

Terminal window
aws cloudtrail describe-trails

Detection Case

ELK query

When logs are ingested into ELK, the following Lucene query can be used to identify relevant events.

eventName:DescribeTrails AND eventSource:*

Sigma Definition

title: Enumerate Cloudtrails for a Given Region
id: 48653a63-085a-4a3b-88be-9680e9adb449
status: experimental
author: Nick Jones
date: 2024-12-02
description: An adversary may attempt to enumerate the configured trails, to identify what actions will be logged and where they will be logged to. In AWS, this may start with a single call to enumerate the trails applicable to the default region.
service: cloudtrail
- eventSource: "*"
- eventName: "DescribeTrails"
condition: selection_source and events
level: low
- attack.T1526
- Developers making legitimate changes to the environment. Verify whether the user identity, user agent, and/or hostname should be making changes in your environment.