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Share EBS Snapshot

Platform Author Last Update
aws Anela Tiro 2023-07-01

An adversary may attempt to share share an EBS snapshot (allow other accounts to create a volume from that snapshot)


Required Permissions

  • ec2:createVolumePermission

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Example Value
snapshotid str ID of the snapshot that you want to make public snapshot_ID
userid int 12-digit IDs of the AWS accounts with which to share the snapshots user_ID

Attacker Action

aws ec2 modify-snapshot-attribute --snapshot-id snapshot_ID --attribute createVolumePermission --operation-type add --user-ids user_ID

Detection Case

ELK query

When logs are ingested into ELK, the following Lucene query can be used to identify relevant events.

eventName:ModifySnapshotAttribute AND eventSource:*  

Sigma Definition

title: Share EBS Snapshot
id: testing
status: experimental
author: Anela Tiro
date: 2023-07-01
description: An adversary may attempt to share share an EBS snapshot (allow other accounts to create a volume from that snapshot)
  service: cloudtrail
    - eventSource: "*"
    - eventName: "ModifySnapshotAttribute"
  condition: selection_source AND events
level: low
  - attack.T1537