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Add an existing role to a new EC2 instance

Platform Author Last Update
aws Nick Jones 2023-07-01

An adversary may attach an existing role to a new EC2 instance to which they have access


Required Permissions

  • iam:PassRole
  • ec2:RunInstances

Required Parameters

Name Type Description Example Value
image_id str AMI to create instance from ami-a4dc46db
instance_type str Type of instance to create t2.micro
iam_instance_profile_name str EC2 instance profile to assign ec2-instance-profile
key_name str Name of SSH key to assign to instance my-ssh-key
security_group_id str ID of a security group to apply to the instance sg-123456

Attacker Action

aws ec2 run-instances –image-id image_id –instance-type instance_type –iam-instance-profile Name=iam_instance_profile_name –key-name key_name –security-group-ids security_group_ids

Detection Case

ELK query

When logs are ingested into ELK, the following Lucene query can be used to identify relevant events.

eventName:RunInstances AND  

Sigma Definition

title: Add an existing role to a new EC2 instance
id: 899eb2b1-6e96-4203-bd38-9cddf970a50a
status: experimental
author: Nick Jones
date: 2023-07-01
description: An adversary may attach an existing role to a new EC2 instance to which they have access
  service: cloudtrail
    - eventSource: ""
    - eventName: "RunInstances"
  condition: selection_source AND events
level: low
  - attack.T1098